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Think Outside of the ShoeBox

Think Outside of the ShoeBox

Running a business and keeping your receipts and invoices organized is a challenge. Sometimes, you just put all the paperwork together inside a box and send it to your accountant to prepare your financial statements.  This seems like a fast way to deal with those...

Keeping Track of Your Project

Keeping Track of Your Project

Having a cost code system implemented helps construction firms keep on top of the project’s budget and build a valuable database to generate insightful information like what is working and what can be improved. In this post, we share with you three tips to create or...

Crunching numbers: Profit & Loss Vs Cash Flow

Crunching numbers: Profit & Loss Vs Cash Flow

One of the biggest misconceptions about reading a financial statement is the assumption that having profit means having positive cash flow or vice versa. While that can be true in some cases, having profit and negative cash flow is not unusual. To help us to...

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